Wanton Wednesday – On a Clear Day

I don’t usually ask for certain pictures, but on this day, at the end of our weekend at Kinky Kollege, I did. Ad has mentioned a couple specific fantasies that he has, and sex in front of a floor-to-ceiling hotel room window is one of them. I was only too…

Wanton Wednesday – Working Girl

I promised a picture of me being an actual “working girl” in a past post, but never posted it, so I thought I’d go ahead and do it now. My job is soooo hard. Gotta love working from home! Check out who else is indulging in Wednesday Wantonness, or join…

An Open Book

“What did you like best about Wednesday night?” the Top that W had allowed to play with me recently asked in an IM a couple of days later.  I was confounded for a moment.  Like best? I don’t even know if “like” is the correct term for what it is…

Wanton Wednesday – Cleavage

So the theme for this Wednesday’s wantonness is cleavage.  Hmmm… Let’s face it, I don’t have a lot.  But…I love my titties! Yes, they may be tiny, but they are powerful, and they’re all mine.  And boy howdy they can take a lot!  I love them to be squeezed, pinched,…

That Girl

A couple of weeks ago I went on one of my special (W-mandated) dates.  This is how the date started: I left work (only a little past the time when I should have) and got my fuck-me pumps out of the trunk of my car.  After changing into this more-appropriate…


“Are you disappointed when your man doesn’t come?” was asked on Fetlife discussion recently (paraphrased by me.) This is a topic I have thought a lot about, and W and I have talked about. He has many tools, and his cock is one of them. He tells me he wants…

Orgasmic Reviewed

Sometimes I really love Facebook.  Not always, and in fact I haven’t quite got the “hang” of using it, but occasionally it lets me know when something cool has happened or is happening… Cleis Press there posted about a review in Dirty Sexy Books that was done on Orgasmic, one…

Wanton Wednesday – The Games We Play

I thought a little change-up was in order, that I needed to post something a little more…suggestive.  A little more wanton, if you will. I love having two men that play well together and that both delight in playing with me. What wickedly wanton games they devise! Do you feel…


“For me the essence of this encounter will be sex, degradation, and objectification – with a little corporal or pain thrown in as an accent.” That’s what his email said, when I emailed him about some questions I had about tomorrow night’s adventure.  I’m not really sure I what to…