Month: September 2022

In the Now
I’ve been a little crazed with planning, as I mentioned earlier, and then there was a lot of activity this past weekend. It turned out to not be as intense stranger-interaction-wise, for which I am grateful. There was even a good bit of downtime both Saturday day and Sunday, which…
Elust #153
Image courtesy of Cassandra Gray. Photography by @atglamourlondon. Welcome to Elust 153. Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want…
So much to do…
So much peopling this week! And planning… My week looked/looks like this: Monday night K came over. My son was supposed to come but work interfered, so Ad made a delicious steak dinner for us. K helped me work on getting the blog back up and we played board games…

It never fails. It’s almost always a Wednesday, because that’s the day I go right from work to the Hypnotist’s, so we can get a bite to eat and I can get changed for bowling. But I like to dress up for him, which – surprise – is not always…
Back in the saddle.
The metaphorical saddle. Wish it was a real saddle. Maybe in a couple weeks? Ugh. So yeah, a thing happened to the blog, and now it lives in this self-hosted site – free WordPress no more. It never should have been, and I knew I risked the blog being taken…
A Different Bowling Night
“Which dress would you like me to wear, Sir?” I asked, having laid out three options. He leaned back with a gleam in his eye – always my first hint that there’s something up his sleeve. “I’m thinking your Scavenger Hunt dress,” he says with a grin. “Oh?” I’m a…
I want
I have all these new bruises and marks that I want to show off. I know they’re not your thing, especially if you haven’t made them, but still. I want to feel your fingers on them. I want to watch your eyes as they travel over my skin, assessing. I…
Favorite Bra, Revisited
Here’s that favorite bra again, though in its special new (accidental) color. It doesn’t look half bad tho, imo.
My second day here we took a walk by the lake. The water was still, glassy, far more so than it would be in days to come. I was used to Lake Michigan with its rhythmic, ocean-like waves and stiff winds; Lake Huron was placid next to that. There was…
Alternate Reality
I had taken an alternate picture on Saturday for Sinful Sunday, but since it didn’t fit with the theme yesterday, I made one for that. However, I really liked the way this image happened, so I’ve decided to share it. The Hypnotist and I had been bowling with the Kinky…