Trying to Be Good

So yeah, it’s part of my rules that I have to post here three times a week. I posted once this week, but…didn’t again. I know, I deliberate a lot about this. But. Tonight it’s about wanting…things…and being denied them until I do what I’m supposed to do. Denial =…

Because He Said So

One of my weekly tasks is to post a blog post three times a week. Most times I get two in and then I find myself struggling to make time to write that last one – Thurs/Fri/Sat tends to be busy. Of course every week at the end I tell…

A Task and an Assist

The Hypnotist has given me a task to complete each day I am on vacation. Along with my usual requirement to request permission to pee, I have to have two orgasms a day for him, one before noon and one after. I can’t actually recall if it is part of…

A Little Fun

“Funishment,” or play punishment, is this week’s Kink of the Week. Surprisingly, I haven’t had much experience with play punishment in my kink relationships. “I don’t need a reason to beat you,” was W’s usual response to it. And as I mentioned here, I’ve never been one to play act,…

His Bitch

“Needy bitch,” he says, his voice low and gravelly in my ear. His knee is between my legs, his strong, muscled thigh hard against my cunt. He’s holding me against him with one long-fingered hand on my ass. The room is dark, the beginnings of daylight just a glow through…

New Rules

We’re playing by his rules now. I have a feeling that means we both win.


I’m on my bed, warm and drowsy from a hot bath and a glass of wine after a stressful day dealing with parental issues and work stuff. Only one more day of work before I’m officially on vacation, but it feels like forever getting to there. K has his own…

Bowling Night

Ready for work on bowling night. Had to go into my office but wanted to be cute for the Hypnotist later at bowling, so, though my dress felt a little short for a conservative Catholic organization, I decided to wear it anyway. I’m so tired of toeing the line, being…

Being Jade

This past weekend I attended a munch with the Hypnotist. It is a munch for folks interested in hypnokink, which I am, but that I have avoided attending with him until this last one because, hell, I don’t know. I’m shy, and awkward, and anxious about having to make small…

Be Still My Heart

Or, I guess, don’t be still, as that is the entire purpose of the AED – Automated External Defibrillator – to make your heart pound again! (I had to look up what the letters stood for, though I understood what the apparatus is for.) This Scavenge Hunt location was, again,…