I want to write

I want to write. Really I do. I wake up with whole passages in my head. I have entire posts written in the middle of the night. But then the day starts and I end up with barely enough energy to do the needful: work, be present for my partners,…

The Twelve Tasks of Christmas

And finally, they are done, all twelve tasks. I had to refer to the list frequently as I get quite silly when I’m getting whacked on. All in all it was a fun project for everyone involved. M says there are a lot of holidays still on the calendar that…

Playing with Toys

I don’t do official sex toy reviews, mostly because I don’t feel qualified to discuss issues about product safety, etc., and if you get those things wrong, well, bad things can happen. So I leave that to the pros. But I do use sex toys, both with partners and alone,…

A Blank Page

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” ~ Brad Paisley The quote above is the writing prompt from Little Switch Bitch called Quote Quest. In my desire to write more, I started scanning the usual places, Twitter and the bloggers I know, to…


Yesterday my partner’s father was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. He’s quite elderly, and has been in declining health – both mental and physical – for quite some time, so this didn’t come as a big shock to the family, but it’s still hard to bear. My partner and…

Aaand I fell down…

…on my first day of January Jumpstart and on the 11th Task of Christmas. Circumstances interfered with those two things happening – funny, in the 12 card tarot spread (1 card for each month of the coming year) that my beloved friend Ruby did for me only two nights ago,…

The Twelve Tasks of Christmas, Tasks 4-9

I actually did tasks 5 & 6 on time, and meant to post them here right away, but time got away from me (or I was just too lazy) and so I didn’t…and then New Year’s Eve we let it go until too late and didn’t have the energy to…