Pussy Pride Redux – Sex with Rings

Awhile back I wrote a post for the Pussy Pride Project on Molly’s Daily Kiss. I had a lot of fun with that post, and I have enjoyed reading other contributions to the meme. Recently I got a couple of replies to that post, and since I enjoy talking about…

Task 15 (Public O) Penalty Assessed – Part 1

The Task was the following: Task 15: Public O – Have an orgasm in the following places: car, restaurant, public restroom, public sidewalk, store of your choice.  Penalty assessed for each omission. I completed the following: Car Restaurant Public Restroom Store of My Choice Workplace (replaced Sidewalk) And was assessed…

Don’t Change Me!

I was reading a post in one of my favorite discussion groups on Fet, “Not Quite Ready for Polite Company M/sers”– Oh, wait. I’m not in an M/s relationship, so maybe I shouldn’t be part of the group, or comment in it. Actually, for the most part, I don’t comment…

Wanton Wednesday – New Pretties

I hurt myself today.  Well, I got myself hurt a week ago, when I (rather impetuously) decided to get 4 new piercings (2 sets) to accompany the 3 sets in my inner labia that I already have. That’s ten total!  It wasn’t actually impetuous, I had been thinking and talking…

Close Your Eyes and Think of England

I may not have shared this before, but W has that thing where he faints at the sight of needles. Baso-something? So you’d think he wouldn’t be my first choice of companions to take to the piercer’s for my new piercings. You’d be wrong. Of course, I had to ask…

Ring My Bell

I’d forgotten what they felt like, my six lovely steel cuntrings. What they felt like in my lips as I walk, their presence a subtle reminder as they brush against the insides of my thighs occasionally, and less subtly when they pull, twist or pinch beneath my clothes. What they…