Tag: The Hypnotist
Cowboy in My Mouth, pt. 1, or, How we almost lost our riding privileges
It’s hard to recall exactly how it started. We were in the sweltering tent, though now at least we had a fan going, so that was helping enormously. We’d also bought a new airbed (yeah yeah, we weren’t roughing it, okay?) and it was set up. He was kicked back,…
His Shirt, Part Deux
I’m curled up in bed after he’s left, wearing the heavy lined shirt I gave him for Christmas. He hasn’t worn it yet, so it doesn’t smell like him, but I remember the shape of it on his shoulders when he tried it on, those shoulders that I clutch as…
Pee Stories
I have rules about peeing – I have to ask before doing so. Okay, it’s not actually “just” peeing, although I didn’t realize that until recently. We call it “pee permission,” but that is (apparently) for delicacy’s sake. It’s actually “bathroom permission.” But it’s hard enough to for me to…
Am I teasing him or is he teasing me? “May I touch myself, Sir?” Having to ask permission to masturbate is new (it used to be only for an orgasm.) l love it/hate it: it embarrasses me to have to announce when I am going to masturbate, and that embarrassment…

Fort Jade
After a week of being ill and mostly bedridden, I got out with the Kinky Hikers the other day. It was more a walk than a hike, not too long or terribly strenuous, but it was heaven to be outside in the brisk December morning, moving my body and enjoying…
A Room for Jade
A long time ago I read a piece of erotica set in a conference room, in which the goings-on were anything but a professional meeting. Coercive rather than consensual, it skirted the edges of CNC. That bit of sexiness has stayed in my mind ever as since, and fueled many…
This morning I sat on the edge of his bed and leaned over as he pulled my face toward him. I rubbed my face against the silky bulge of his cock inside his boxers, having missed this particular ritual while I was gone. Not only this, of course, but I…
A Task and an Assist
The Hypnotist has given me a task to complete each day I am on vacation. Along with my usual requirement to request permission to pee, I have to have two orgasms a day for him, one before noon and one after. I can’t actually recall if it is part of…
I wander through the quiet house this morning, picking up the detritus from last night. An abandoned glass, half-full, clothes on the floor in a heap, a lap blanket, a pair of shoes. My rings and phone and watch. I think about him, going about his morning routine, here, in…
New Rules
We’re playing by his rules now. I have a feeling that means we both win.