Red-Footed (and other) Boobies

Our last day on Kauai we took a spontaneous (and completely unscripted) trip off the ship to the Kilauea Lighthouse. Unscripted because we were not sure about most of the specifics of public transport on the island, nor true distances to get anywhere. I just saw that there was a lighthouse and wanted to see it.

We walked about 2 miles in the early morning dark to a bus stop in the town of Lihue.

Adam calls these Halloween trees (ooh spooky!)

There we boarded a bus from Lihue to Kilauea (about an hour each way), then walked another mile and a half or so out to an overlook above the lighthouse and a wild bird sanctuary.

We didn’t realize that the sanctuary and lighthouse were closed to pedestrian traffic, which was disappointing, but that was okay. We saw what we wanted to see.

Waves! And cliffs and the sea! And the (not) elusive red-footed booby.

Our absolutely stunning view of the lighthouse, the waves crashing below, and seabirds soaring on the sea breezes.

Vanilla proof that we were there.

Waiting around for the “coast” to clear. Because you know what my real reason for being there was.

Maybe not red-footed, but (not elusive) boobies all the same!

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