Picture Requests

This is where you can find links to all of the Picture Requests that we have completed and posted here in Pieces of Jade.
What’s a Picture Request, you ask? Well, it started off as a way to pay a penalty for not completing one of the Tasks that W assigned me during one of his trips out of town. W required that I post a solicitation to my readers and followers here and on Twitter, Facebook and Fetlife, asking them (you) to submit creative ideas for pictures of things they’d (you’d) like him to do to me.  If they could be done safely, and if they were things that he found interesting or intriguing, he’d try to do so, and I would post the results here.
Hopefully, with your help, we can keep the Requests coming (and me too!)
So how do you send in a request? Email W directly at NickWolfram74@gmail.com or fill out this form.

The Picture Request List

Picture Request – Boots & Gloves
Picture Request – Glasses
Picture Request – Wanton Wednesday – Results
Picture Request – A Much Needed Distraction (with this bonus picture)
Picture Request – An Apple in the Big Apple
Picture Request – Sweater Bondage
Picture Request – Bastinado
Picture Request – Tongue
Picture Request – Ball Tie (Trial)
Picture Request – Enema

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