My Day

My life is freakishly amazing. Freakish and amazing. I am at work, sitting with shoes off and feet tucked under my butt, because my pussy is too sore to sit on after two nights of use and abuse by W.  But I can’t help myself, I keep shifting just a…

How we got kinky

My friend Julian asked me once about my journey into kink.   I’ve decided to turn that into a so-far-two, but possibly-multiple, part series over on Eden Cafe. The first part, “One Vanilla Couple’s Journey Into Kink, or, How I Turned My (Ex)Husband Into A Pervert” is up over there now:…

Wanton Wednesday – Caged

It’s Wanton Wednesday again, and after the night I had with W last night, I am “wanton” more… Do you feel like sometimes you want to be a little more than just half naked? A bit more than just slightly suggestive? For the weeks you want to play with the…


I am looking at pictures on Fetlife. Not pain pictures, not pictures of torture, but bondage pictures. “Nice” bondage, I call it. The “damsel in distress” variety. Not the kind W usually does with me (being more likely to place me in perilous, predicament-style bondage, in which I have to…

Wanton Wednesday Debut

Surprisingly, my first entry in Dangerous Lilly‘s new venture, “Wanton Wednesday” isn’t some full-on nakedness, as one might have expected. Not even anything (ahem) “particularly in some weird fetish or kinky situation.”  (I know! Shocking, right?)  But, to me, this photo epitomizes wantonness, in the “throes of passion,” as it…


I’m not always sure what to expect when I go over to W’s. Even when I ask for something, I don’t know what that something is going to look like, because even if I have asked for something specific, the how of it is up to him, and how we…

By the Numbers – A Weekend in Pictures

2 guys, 1 girl 1 tree house Zero Wifi 3 gorgeous days 3 steamy nights 5 pairs of shoes 1 Scrabble game 436 whacks 3 suspensions 2 rocky outcroppings 1 girl-as-furniture 1 rope gag And still more numbers: 1 steel buttplug 1 steel trailer hitch (yep, that’s what I said–TRAILER…

e[lust] #11

e[lust] #11 is here, and I’m proud to say that “Sometimes Poly IS Hard” from A Poly Life is in the Top 3! HNT courtesy of Neptune Blue Welcome to e[lust] – Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking…

HNT – A Handful

More with the hands theme.  I love this shot.  It’s almost vanilla…nothing really naughty showing…except that you know what’s going on. Well, that and the fact that there’s someone else in the room with us taking the picture… And, damn…I love the feel of his hands on me like that.…


There’s been a lot of steel in my life lately. My new steel buttplug (the heavenly Njoy Pure Plug) my steel housechain, my steel rings and steel tit collars (or those might be some other kind of metal, I don’t know.) Windchimes that look like steel. Steel chain that W…