Wanton Wednesday – Bathtime

I’d have to say that one of my favorite non-kinky sensual activities is to be given a bath. I love the purely physical sensations of being washed, the warm water and his wet hands, having my face and hair washed, the slide of his hands over my soapy skin. I…

e[lust] #16

Photo courtesy of Janie Welcome to e[lust] – Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in e[lust] #17? Start with…

First Date

We’ve started this new game. He picks out men he wants me to fuck. I fuck them.  Pretty simple (in theory.) A bit more complex (in reality.) And possibly quite a bit…darker…than that as well. I had a first date the other evening. W was still in Florida, so he…

More Shoe Porn!

Well I wasn’t going to post anything today, since I posted a rather long entry last night, but I just couldn’t help myself.  I’m sure you’ll see why… More shoe-sluttiness, from the Queen of Shoe-Sluttiness herself, longdistancesub! I have drooled over, been awed by, and envied this woman’s incredible shoe…

Play Party Medicine

I went to our local monthly play party with Ad last night. We haven’t been to a play party alone in quite awhile. Generally I prefer to do lifetsyle stuff with both guys or with W. It’s a small thing, and probably significant only to me, but because W is…

Five Friday Follows

I’ve been updating my blogroll and RSS feeds to remove outdated/moved/deleted blogs and add new ones that I’ve found in my Twitter, Fetlife, e[lust], and other miscellaneous wanderings on the net.  Along with that I have been pondering my own nominations for the 3rd Annual Sexiest Bloggers List.  I’ve found…

Shoe Slut

Aurore recently asked, “Are you ever not in heels?”  I know she was teasing, but that got me to thinking about W’s and my heel obsession, and how it all evolved. The truthful answer to Aurore’s question is, when I’m with W, or taking pictures for him, or dressing in…

Wanton Wednesday – Romance

Click thru for a slightly more wanton image of what happened later… Find out who else is joining in the wantonness this week by clicking on the button below! (I’ll update with a list of last week’s players later this morning.)

Free stuff is always good!

Dangerous Lilly is having a contest to mark the 2nd anniversary of her blog and has 6 prizes to give away! Check out the original contest post on her site to find out how you can enter, too. The Prizes and Sponsors: Kink Academy One lucky winner will get a…

Anatomy of an Orgasm

Lately we’ve been getting a lot of photographic documentation of me having sex with myself, right up to and including the moment of orgasm.  It’s strange seeing oneself in the throes of unrestrained pleasure. It looks a lot like being in pain. And maybe, in a way, it is. Beautiful,…