Wanton Wednesday – Force Fed

I laughed a little the other day when I saw the Fetlife safety police jump all over some woman that asked about forced inebriation of her slave.  “Get a good lawyer!” one said. “I can’t believe you could be so irresponsible,” said another. “A recipe for date rape!” yet another…

30 Days of Kink: Day 9 – Music

Day 9: Post a kink related song or music video you enjoy. I have a whole playlist of songs that get me going when we scene, but I don’t know how many have “kink related” lyrics. Most just have a beat or a line that puts me in that headspace……

Wanton Wednesday – Ropey Fun

As I mentioned in my posts on Balance (Part 1 and Part 2) W, Ad and I had a great time a couple weekends ago playing with rope.  It was very different from what we usually do, not “scenes” really at all, though by the end I was exhausted and…

Balance (Part 2)

So where was I?  Oh yes, on the idea of “balance.”  It came up again over the weekend that we took the pictures you saw in my first post on the topic, and later, again, as we started making preparations for Dark Odyssey – Fusion.  Not as something I shared…

“Stop hitting yourself!”

Did you ever play that game when you were a kid (or rather, like me, get that “game” played on you) where someone makes you hit yourself over and over with your own hand?  Yeah, I hated it too, but the one in control always seemed to find it vastly…

Balance (Part 1)

I’ve been thinking a lot about balance lately. First it came up in a discussion on Fetlife.  The OP mentioned the need to “balance” her relationships, and someone else asked what that meant. Seems pretty self-explanatory to me, but the discussion that ensued was an interesting one, and I enjoyed…

Happy Endings

I’m really working hard on getting my new domain up (and DAMN it takes a lot of work!) and dammit if I don’t just want to work and work and work on that until it’s done…but I also want to write. I want to write smut, I want to write…

Inappropriate Heels

This has been a rough week.  I usually spend two to three nights with W, and this week, for various reasons beyond our control, that hasn’t happened.  In addition, I’ve had some personal things go on that have dampened my usually high spirits, and W has been preoccupied with other…

The Between Time

Sometimes it is hard living in two houses, loving two men, being with one only by being separated from the other. It is hardest on nights like these, when Ad goes to bed at 8:30 or 9:00 and W is doing whatever he does at his house during the 8pm…

Thank god for small favors

Lunchtime. The park. I have a sandwich, a book, an ice tea and a blanket. The heat curls around my hips and torso sluggishly, drawing me down onto the blanket into its stifling embrace like an overeager lover. Stretching out onto the blanket I am suddenly reminded of another hot…