A Favorite Bra

I was flipping through images yesterday, searching for something else, and ran across this one. I loved this bra! Sadly, on my weekend in Eminence with the Hypnotist, we washed a load of clothes together (hiking/ticks) and it ended up…gray/blue. I am trying to find other things to wear it…

Business in the front, party in the back

And oh what a party it was! I wore this dress, and some a-MAZ-ing pink stilettos that actually GLOWED in the dark, to a play party with both my guys Saturday night. I got some lovely marks and had a load of fun. I think the guys did too. Being…

Puerto Vallarta Tan

“Totally want to molest you in that dress,” he says, when I send him this picture. I kind of want to molest me in this dress.

Puerto Vallarta 2.0

It’s hard to believe I’m sitting here enjoying the sun rise and the sound of the ocean for the first time since we arrived five days ago. There are so many things I love about being by the ocean. I didn’t really get to experience them fully in our trip…

A Mexican Upskirt

I’m in Puerto Vallarta for five days with my daughter. We came here 12 years ago when she was 18 and we are reprising the trip now for her 30th, even going on the same hike from Boca de Tomatlan to Las Animas beach on Tuesday. I have been tasked…

The Writing Task

I have been tasked with writing/posting here three times a week. It is not an onerous task (in fact it is one I am quite grateful for and delighted to be tasked with) but it does challenge me. I’m trying to remember how I used to write so much when…

Titties & Biting

Today is Friday, so it’s Boobday, but it’s also “Biting” for the Kink of the Week, so you’re going to get some boobs, but you’re also going to get some bites, because boobs happen to be a favorite place for my friend Toy to bite me: But she also likes…

Tree Hugger, Part Deux

Another hike, another tree, two big hands this time…but it’s not my butt I love in this image – it’s the thoughtful, amused way they are considering their handiwork that cracks me up. (And no, the handprints never really did pop. I’ve decided tree-hugging maybe needs to be a paddle…

The Casual Panty-Check

He opens the passenger side door for me. I slide in and get myself situated while he shuts the door and gets into the driver side. (An aside: this door-opening thing: it’s not just gentlemanly, though it is certainly that. And it’s not a “rule” – he says it’s a…

Today’s Randomness

Anybody else leave their browser tabs open on their phone for weeks at a time and then amuse themselves by going back and seeing what caught your interest weeks ago? No? Only me? Well okay. That’s cool. This is what I’ve been looking at the last few days… https://www.thisoldhouse.com/gardening/reviews/jane-magnolia-trees https://www.etsy.com/listing/198695904/kissing-circles-crochet-afghanblanket…