Party Favor

We went to a house party recently. Here is the beginning, during and after…

Halcyon Days

What positive emotion do you feel most often? This was the WordPress prompt today, and honestly it couldn’t have been a better one. I mean, my reality: there are so many positive emotions that run through my life nowadays. Love. Joy. Happiness. Appreciation. Pleasure. Delight. Exuberance. Lightheartedness. Playfulness. But the…

Elust 164

Welcome to Elust 164. Image courtesy of the barefoot sub. Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be…

The Bowling Curtsy

I often send Sir snippets of video in Marco Polo when I am away from him. This time I sent this video at the completion of a punishment task – I was a little giddy at not having to do it anymore, lol. Also, I’d been practicing my bowling approach,…

Pinched Nips in Italy

I asked Sir if, while I was in Italy, I could forgo pee permission. He gave me “The Look.” The one that says, “Seriously? Why would you even ask?” Umm…the eight hour time difference? The fact that I’ll be climbing up and down mountains in rural Italy, won’t have my…

Just Another Work from Home Day

It’s been awhile since I’ve had anything in my ass. I noted this as I slathered lube onto my football-shaped “daily wear” buttplug, the one I can – and have – worn all day and night before. (With bathroom breaks, of course. No one wants an exploded Jade.) As comfortable…

Outlaw Cuban Titties

Celebrating Boobday I came across these images from a couple years ago, taken during my first trip with M, my Canadian play partner. They were actually taken by his other play partner, who had also been on the trip. It was an exciting adventure, and the beginning of a wonderful…


I looked up from the 90’s TV show I was watching on my phone and over at Adam, who was reading a book in the other corner of the couch. He must have felt my eyes on him. “What?” he said, suspicion in his voice. “What do you want to…