First Lines

I got this from Osbasso’s site recently.  I don’t often do memes, but it just seems appropriate, here at the beginning of a new year. What was the first line from your blog the first day of each month in 2009? January – “I’ve been looking at photos of the…

Twitter, tweet, twit, twat…

So yeah, as mentioned over on A Poly Life, I’m “officially” on Twitter now. Twatting, er, twitting, or…tweeting…away. Actually I post about twice a day on there, if that, usually about a new post either here or on the poly blog. But I am getting braver! I learned how to…

Bedridden Bloghopping

Been bedridden the last cpl days, and not in a fun way, so figured I’d catch up on blogs and such.  Imagine my surprise when I logged in to see that I had over 900 hits on my blog yesterday! (Yeah, I’m small potatoes compared to the powerhouses of popularity…

Don’t let a submissive torture herself…

Scratches on my ankles. A blister on my finger. Oozy itchy poison-something tracks on my arms and legs. Sunburned back and shoulders. Aching back. Sounds like a good time, eh?  Even when he’s away W can be the cause of so much torment–even when he doesn’t know it.

Don't let a submissive torture herself…

Scratches on my ankles. A blister on my finger. Oozy itchy poison-something tracks on my arms and legs. Sunburned back and shoulders. Aching back. Sounds like a good time, eh?  Even when he’s away W can be the cause of so much torment–even when he doesn’t know it.