Sex with Strangers

Craig’s List, fuck buddies, the hook-up. They all boil down to the same thing: sex for the sake of sex, uncomplicated, detached, remote. The act of sex removed from any connection other than two bodies fulfilling that most basic and primal of needs: sexual gratification.  A while ago I read…

Early HNT – The Big Bed

I love my big bed… especially with all the people I love in it. I had an incredible weekend. Full of love, laughter, joy…a little pain (the good and the bad kind), some tears, lots of hugs and cuddles and yummy sex and seeing my guys enjoy my girl and…


I just deleted a whole slew of comments from my blog. 🙁 I thought I was just clearing out my “inbox”, not deleting the comments themselves. I went to see if there is any way to undelete them, but apparently there is not. It makes me very sad.

Sugasm #168

June 22nd, 2009 by Vixen | Updated: June 22nd, 2009 HNT courtesy of Erotic Garden. The best of this week’s blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. Want in Sugasm #169? Submit a link to your best post of the…

Bedridden Bloghopping

Been bedridden the last cpl days, and not in a fun way, so figured I’d catch up on blogs and such.  Imagine my surprise when I logged in to see that I had over 900 hits on my blog yesterday! (Yeah, I’m small potatoes compared to the powerhouses of popularity…

HNT – Artistic

I am all alone this Thursday, with W still out of town, so I figured I should post something I was doing all alone…plus it gave me the chance to play with Photoshop a bit. Are you Half-Nekkid yet?? Visit Osbasso and join the HNT!

Sunday Perfection

A perfect way to spend a Sunday: Wake up in the predawn to A’s hand between my legs, his cock nudging me from behind. I escape to the restroom, only to be pinned down, prone, legs stretched out straight, wrists gripped in one of his large, hard hands as he…

Emotional Masochism

(Used in conjunction with a Creative Commons License) Me: I do know that, for me, after we scene and in the days following…I feel very submissive and subjugated…(and) the misery afterward enhances that feeling, keeps me in that headspace, and I like that.  I don’t want to let go of it…

Marks of Another Sort

He’s gone now, attending to family matters in another state for a week.  But before he left he wanted to leave his own mark on me…  Sometimes I wonder if he knows how deeply I am marked by him, body and soul. This day, the day before he left, I…


Like many submissive/bottom/masochistic-type people, I revel in the marks my Top/playpartners leave on my body. I love to look in the mirror right after or days after an intense session and see welts, rope marks, bruises and slashes. I admire them, I poke them, I relive the moments that caused…