My second day here we took a walk by the lake. The water was still, glassy, far more so than it would be in days to come. I was used to Lake Michigan with its rhythmic, ocean-like waves and stiff winds; Lake Huron was placid next to that.

There was no one about, for whatever reason; always before there had been others on the beach. It was pretty chilly though, so maybe that was it. In any case, as we walked and poked around for rocks worthy of keeping, I noticed the tumbled rock barriers up ahead.
Winters are fierce here. The lake freezes and the winds push ice flows up against the banks, destroying everything in their path. The steps down from the lakeside cottages get torn up every year and rebuilt every summer.
To combat that, great barriers of tumbled stone are piled in heaps at the waters edge. In time, even these are moved by the power of the ice, but for awhile they do their job and keep the lake ice at bay.
This day, with no one about, I realized we had a perfect opportunity. Most of my Scavenger Hunts are surreptitious flashes. I seldom have the opportunity to get completely naked. And, even in this case, I wasn’t sold on the idea at first. But the first images – with my sneaks on and my pants down around my ankles – were not great. So, fuck it. The lake was deserted – I was going Full Monty!

“Breakwater” is – I think – number 3 in this second edition of the Scavenger Hunt!
All these images are an absolute delight, though the ones at the bottom of the page are so much fun!