Preparations. And the Cardinals.

I haven’t seen W since last Thursday, when we got back from our Baltimore trip. I know, I know, maybe that doesn’t seem like such a long time, but after nearly 8 straight days together (or crooked ones, whichever) this week has seemed an eternity. Enough so that I asked…

Professional Shoe-Sluttery

Today I am wearing shoes that, at initial glance, appear very properly professional. It’s not until you look at them from another angle that you see what tarts these little shoes are. Professional-sluttery at its best. I just had to show them off.

Free Time?

Asked on a new group that I just joined on Fetlife was a question about what it is we do when we have “free time.”  My immediate response: masturbate, of course. Oh, and nap. Seriously, when I have an hour and half at home alone, I am all about doing…

Inappropriate Heels

This has been a rough week.  I usually spend two to three nights with W, and this week, for various reasons beyond our control, that hasn’t happened.  In addition, I’ve had some personal things go on that have dampened my usually high spirits, and W has been preoccupied with other…