For W

Getting ready for my day at the hotel. Wearing these to work today. Because no matter who I’m with, he’s always with me.

Basement Girl

“You’re a basement girl,” he says, as he takes me by the hand and leads me down the rickety wooden stairs. “This is where you belong.” He ties me to a post by my wrists in the back of the basement. There are wooden slats back here, and boards, and…

Wicked Wednesday: Floggings, Singletails, Clothespins & Fisting – Oh My!

Whew, what a crazy weekend. Sooo much fun, starting with this, and continuing on to fun and games and play Saturday, and still more fun and games and play (of a different sort) Sunday. This was the kind of fun we had Saturday: And this: And this: And then, after…

Anal August – Brief Update

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated how I’m (we’re) doing with our Anal August goals, so I thought I’d give ya’ll a brief update. This past week we managed to accomplish a couple of the requirements, much to my delight: the candle and anal beads.  I find the scene-type anal…

Alphabet Challenge – I is for Island

Since my run-ins with skin cancer started last year, I don’t get to go out in the sun and play much anymore. Even with heavy sunscreen, I’m a little gunshy – or should I say “sunshy” – so it was an unusual treat this past summer to get out and…

Sinful Sunday – Another Use for Ginger

I mentioned that we have had a couple intense figging scenes. One of the things that made it so intense was that the ginger was also used elsewhere… Such a wickedly delicious mix! Go see who else is being Sinful…

A Bouncing Start to the Weekend

Sheesh, it’s 6am and I am up with the birds! But what the heck, a girl doesn’t need more than 5 hours sleep, does she? Okay, maybe she does. But, as the saying goes, there’ll be time enough for sleep when I’m dead.  And honey, I ain’t dead yet! Such…

I’m a Guest!

Blogger, that is. Over on the Oh Get a Grip blog, where erotica authors Lisabet Sarai, C. Sanchez-Garcia, Charlotte Stein, Kathleen Bradean, Kristina Wright, and Jean Roberta talk about the thing we love to do best: writing. This week’s topic, Dangerous Truths: Have you ever written something strictly autobiographical? Have you considered…

50 Shades of…Jade?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about Fifty Shades of Grey lately. Not because I’m going to read and review it – I haven’t, at least not completely – and I won’t do a review even if I finish it, because that’s all been done, ad nauseum.  But, in…

The Weekend and Beyond, in Bullet Points

My ass got a break yesterday. It had a big weekend. It deserved a rest. Honestly I am having a hard time remembering everything we did since last…Wednesday? Thursday? It was one of those weekends, yanno? So filled with…stuff. Hot sexy yummy kinky fun playful mean intense crazy stuff. Love it!…