Month: November 2012
More Gratitude Ponderings
Since it’s still November, I think I’m allowed to keep gushing about how filled with gratitude I am, for my life and the people that make it so wonderful, tho I promise this is going to be a lot shorter than the Great Kinky Novel on gratitude that I wrote…
Sinful Sunday – Cruise Ship Scavenger Hunt
So my last post regarding the cruise was a bit on the wordy/heavy side, but sometimes I gotta get stuff out of my head. Just to show you how much fun we actually had, and that we were doing some naughty stuff on that ship-of-naughtiness, here are some pics we…
An Unexpected Gift
(This was written on Thanksgiving, but because the Missy and I are in the backwoods of Missouri for the weekend, internet connectivity has been sketchy, so it’s taken me til now to upload it.) I am grateful today. Grateful for the unexpected gift of a beating. I know, that sounds…
30 Days of Kink – Day 24: Qualities
Day 24: What qualities do you look for in a partner? When I seek out a play partner now, it usually has to do with some specific type of play that I am interested in, so I am not actually looking for specific qualities in that person the way I…
30 days of Kink – Day 23: Changes in Perspectives or Interests
Day 23: Since you first developed an interest in kink, have your interests/perspectives changed? How so? As most of us do, I have some very specific interests and triggers in the world of kink. And as has happened to most of us, those interests and triggers have changed over time. …
Alphabet Challenge – The Letter R
We had an amazing day of fun the day we decided to do the Letter R. It was actually quite accidental (and me being a little bit pushy) that got us to the beach where we played with roots and rope on a riverbank, as well as with an old…
30 Days of Kink – Day 22: Healthy Relationships
Day 22: What do you think is important in keeping a BDSM relationship healthy? How does it differ from a vanilla relationship? I struggled with this one a bit, because I really am of two minds here. On the one hand, I want to say, “BDSM relationships are special, and…
30 Days of Kink – Day 21: Literary Influences
Day 21: Favorite BDSM related book (fiction or non-fiction.) I actually misread this when I started writing it (my bad for not putting the question at the top of the post immediately.) So I answered this as if the question was what BDSM-related book has most influenced me. It took…
Sinful Sunday – Picture Perfect
As I was looking for the images that I posted in my blog for this post, I ran across the one that I had been shooting for when we started the play session that day (you can see more about that whole day here.) I’d wanted something simple, showing off…
Alphabet Challenge – Q is for Queeny Park, Quiet!, Quarry & Dairy Queen
These Alphabet Challenge days are nothing if not fun. This time we got to introduce W to a park he’d never been to. I want to say it is in an area of St. Louis that he’s seldom been in, either, far West County. For me, heading out to Queeny…