Old Year, New Year – First Lines

And here it is, the start of a new year! Funny how that happens every…365 days…is it?

A long time ago, in a previous life, I used to post a year-end wrap-up that consisted of the first lines of blog posts for each month previous. It was a fun way to look back, to reminisce, but also to chart the meandering steps of the year past. Understandably, that practice ended years ago, when looking back became too painful, but I’ve decided to revive it this year. Let’s see what 2022 looked like, shall we?

It’s Been a Minute – “All right, more than one.” In which we go to the races and I take Adam’s birthday whacks. On video!

February, and the Yearly Photofest Challenge – “Hard to believe it’s that time again – February Photofest, when those of us participating commit to (trying) to post an image every day for the month of February.” Day 1 of the Photofest Challenge. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to find and re-upload all the images for last February’s posts after my blog was removed by WordPress, but at least I did this one.

Then This Happened – “My travel day from Mexico was something of a clusterfuck.” In which I talk about a long, torturous day of travel and the end of my relationship with Q.

Friday is BoobDay – “I haven’t participated much in this meme of late (well, any meme, really) but I felt like posting something – without knowing what – until I saw it, and remembered how pleased I’d felt looking at my breasts this morning.” Because boobs.

June (I didn’t post in May)
Better Late Than Never – “I know I’m jumping in late, but I’ve been a little distracted and so didn’t realize that June had started.” I make apologies and then get started on a month of (almost) daily posting.

Bed Head – “Me: Check out the bed head!” More boobies! Oh, and head.

Dog Days / Blog Days – “I have no idea if I have participated in the “Blogs Days of Summer” meme before, though the title is familiar so it’s possible I have.” Another reason to write on a more consistent basis.

Alternate Reality – “I had taken an alternate picture on Saturday for Sinful Sunday, but since it didn’t fit with the theme yesterday, I made one for that.” In which “Bowling for Whacks” becomes a thing.

Tease – “I’m on my bed, warm and drowsy from a hot bath and a glass of wine after a stressful day dealing with parental issues and work stuff.” What a needy, greedy cunt…

Contradictions – “I wander through the quiet house this morning, picking up the detritus from last night.” Longing and contentment, in equal measure.

His Shirt – “I came home this morning from the Hypnotist’s house, threw my purse on the bench and my backpack in my office and ran upstairs to bury my face in the white t-shirt he leaves behind for me to wear, or sleep in, or sniff, when he’s not here.” Need I say more?

And that’s a wrap, folks! A year-in-the-life of Jade. Sort of. The parts I share here. I’m pretty pleased with how much more I have been writing of late. Yes, partly due to The Hypnotist setting me the “3x per week” rule, but also because I just enjoy being here again with y’all. Thanks for hanging out with me this past year, and hanging with me while I got my writing (and kink) mojo back!

January Jumpstart is the write-every-day community project for erotica, romance and sex writers, hosted by Violet Fawkes. Watch this space as I see if I can keep it up!

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