e[lust] #24 is out!

Photo Courtesy of Kitten’s Toys Welcome to e[lust] – Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in e[lust] #25? Start…

Task 6 – Chime

Shortly after I completed Task 7, Ad and I went upstairs to do Task 6. We actually had several things we wanted to get done, and needed to be at W’s in order to do them so we kind of decided to combine them all into one “scene” (although it…

Task 7 – Pissing Myself

So, I did it, with Ad’s assistance. Playing with Ad is different.  He had me do it in the tub, and took these very nice pictures.  Key word being “nice.”  (Damn I miss W!) It didn’t have any of the psychological punch that piss-play with W does. But maybe that’s…

Tasks 7 & 8: Watersports

Two of my current tasks involve peeing. W and I are no strangers to the bizarre ways that pee-games affect me.  He makes me drink his piss and he pisses on me, not frequently, but often enough to remind me that he can, and will, whenever he chooses. And honestly?…

Task 4 – Labeled

“Write “Fuck Meat” in letters at least 2″ tall on a part of your body not normally visible to the public. Also write the letters FM in a body location that can be seen by the public. Have a ready explanation in case anyone asks what the letters stand for.…

Task 2 – Sheer Madness

I had a choice of three potential tasks.  I chose to “Wear a sheer blouse out for the evening,” although “lacing my rings shut with a necklace chain” was what I wanted to do, but since I didn’t think anyone was going to see it, and I was feeling like doing…

Task 1 – Sex and Blood

I’ve talked about lots of things here, but one of the things I haven’t talked about (much) is blood. No, not the kind that happens when you cut yourself (or someone cuts you), or vampire play, or even bloodletting and the like. Neither W or I has a thing for…

Balance & “Wank Wednesday”

On Twitter today I ran across a cool new, weekly writing prompt called Wank Wednesday (#wankwednesday on Twitter.) This week’s prompt was “Balance.”  Unfortunately, while the prompt definitely inspired a whole slew of writing, it doesn’t actually seem to fit in with the style of most of the writing there. …

Wanton Wednesday – Sex as a Weapon

The other day I talked about when he uses sex as a tool.  Just another implement in his arsenal of toys, something to drive me into the space he wants me to go, to subjugate me, to make me that small, mindless, used girl at his feet. It’s an effective…


From my Fetlife updates a few minutes ago: “You’d think after 2 days & nights of play I’d be all content & stuff, but NO…I am jonesing BAD to get roughed up…slapped around…HURT. I wanna find that “puddle of goo” space & crawl inside it.”  And: “…I want something a…