30 Days of Kink – Day 15: Something(s) I’d Like to Try

Damn, it’s been awhile since I updated this meme. I think I actually forgot that I hadn’t finished it. LOL  But now, while I’m not actually doing anything kinky, seems to be a good time to think about it. At least I have my imagination, right? (Or maybe it’s the…

Whored Out

This is the first thing that’s made my cunt wet in awhile: https://fetlife.com/groups/19042/group_posts/1963605?utm_campaign=notifications&utm_medium=email&utm_source=new_group_discussion For those of you that can’t access Fetlife, it’s a post about being whored out. I like the perspective of the OP: if you’re owned, and you are willing to allow him to tell you who to…

Day 4 – Pics & Tidbits from Michigan

We spent all day at a spa at the Crystal Mountain Ski Resort. Heaven. Really, there’s not much else to say, well, except I once again managed not to flash my shinies at her, in spite of spending time in a sauna and a steamroom, getting naked and redressed in…

Sinful Sunday – Beach House

I don’t actually have anything sinful going on right now, Sunday or not. I am having a lovely time up here in Michigan with the Missy, but I literally have NO private time: the place is one large room (800 sq ft!) and has several areas set up (sleeping area,…

Days 2 & 3 – News & Notes from Michigan

We managed to take 7 hours to drive from Portage, IN to Manistee, MI, a drive that the navigator said should take 3. We wandered down side roads, took the long way, searched (in vain) for an open coffee shop, wasted delightful hours poking around, and wound up at our…

1st Day Notes & Nibbles – Our Grand Michigan NaNoWriMo Retreat!

Ahhh…Vacation Time.  For normal people, being on “Vacation Time” means sleeping in every morning.  For moi (odd bird that I am) it means waking at the asscrack of dawn every morning (unless W’s kept me up til 3am partying like a rockstar on board a cruise ship.) I don’t mind,…

Wanton Wednesday – A Handful

I wonder what it is about a hand in the hair that is such a trigger. I know, it’s almost a cliche, but still, cliche or not, that is one of those simple things almost guaranteed to make me wet, make me limp, make my knees weak. What I like…

Where’s Jade?

Like Waldo, I’m hiding in plain sight. “Hiding” being the operative word. As I may have mentioned here before, I suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder.) The severity of it varies year-to-year, and I have not had a really bad bout of it in…oh, 3 or 4 years.  My Happy…

The Boys, Me and Keith Urban

Another post from A Poly Life that rightly deserves its place here. Unfortunately the video that I originally linked to in the post is no longer available, so I’ll have to make do with a pic from that night. Somehow, I don’t think ya’ll mind/ 😉 (From January 2010) I…

Wanton Wednesday – Kiss

This is how I think of W. His mouth on mine, devouring me; breathing into me. His hands on me, torturing me; delighting me. His rope on me, confining me; freeing me. Join in the fun over at the Wanton Wednesday blog!