It’s been made abundantly clear…

…that I suck balls at follow-up.  Apparently, at some point, I promised to post real snapshots do go with the verbal ones I mentioned here: Snapshots from the Weekend.  In my defense, I did post one follow-up: Weekend Snapshot – Waiting.  But…that doesn’t exactly fulfill the promise, does it? So…

Cardinal Red

I’ve been craving intensity lately. Sometimes, we get kind of into a routine, where we play in a certain way, without the darker, more brutal overtones that I oftentimes crave. Not that it’s not fun, and hot, and orgasm and subspace inducing, but…it’s more…hmmm…”measured,” maybe.  Civilized. Less…visceral. I’m not saying…

e[lust] #30

Photo courtesy of Emmy @ Right Turn Without Signaling Welcome to e[lust] – Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included…

Wanton Wednesday – Motel

Sheesh, I promised to post more pics from Saturday night at the motel, then I promptly forgot about it. (Albeit with good reason – call me all twitterpated over this and then sub-buzzled when I got back.) But I’m coming though for ya! Here are a few more pics of…

Go Cardinals!

Holy shit.  Just walked back into my office after “lunch.” Or rather, I stumbled back into my office, head still buzzing, ass still smarting, pussy still throbbing. Looked down at myself as I did so and saw that the center button on my sweater had come unbuttoned. And that there…

Preparations. And the Cardinals.

I haven’t seen W since last Thursday, when we got back from our Baltimore trip. I know, I know, maybe that doesn’t seem like such a long time, but after nearly 8 straight days together (or crooked ones, whichever) this week has seemed an eternity. Enough so that I asked…

So. I can’t do everything.

No really. There just isn’t enough time in my life, in the world, to do all the things I want to do. Write & submit at least one piece of erotica per quarter Write a novel Blogs consistently Write blogs of substance Read other people’s blogs Write a monthly, substantive,…

The Shore – Days & Nights – Saturday

Actually, this day & night was filled with so much fun, vanilla and otherwise, that I’m gonna have to break it up into two posts.  In fact…I’m going to break the day into several posts and do a special Wanton Wednesday for the evening (a preview of which I did…

Sinful Sunday – Virgin!

Ok, not quite a virgin.  In fact, not really a virgin in any sense of the word, except to Sinful Sunday, which I haven’t ever done before!  So…here ya go. If you want to know more about this pic, you’ll have to wait until I finish the blog post that…

The Shore – Days and Nights – Friday

I thought picture posts would give you the best overview of what we did while we were in Baltimore (for my conference) and the shore (the Friday, Saturday and Sunday beforehand.) I kind of like the juxtaposition of vanilla(ish) and kink.  It kind of optimizes our entire time back East.…